On Earth Day (April 22nd), we celebrate the planet that gives us life, sustenance and a place to call home. We're not just tipping our hats to a spinning rock in space; we're throwing a party for the real star of the show—our planet!
We thought it would be fun to unearth some given names connected to the Big Ball we call Earth. These names aren't just labels, they're love letters to the very ground we walk on, the soil that nourishes us and the planet that unites us all.
1. Adam: The First Earthling
Let's start at the very beginning with Adam, a name that derives from Biblical Hebrew אדם meaning, literally, "earthling." According to Judeo-Christian tradition, Adam was the very first name ever given to anybody.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7
The essential ingredient of Adam's creation was dirt ("dust from the ground"), symbolizing mankind's humble beginnings and our oneness with the earth.
Fun fact: Addison means “Adam’s son,” a patronymic surname derived from Addie, a medieval Anglo-Scottish nickname for Adam.
2. Aina: Earth is Chief

In Hawaiian culture, ʻāina means "land" or "earth." Its significance goes far beyond a geographic definition; the word embodies the profound spiritual, cultural and physical relationship that the Hawaiian people have with their land. The Hawaiians believed that they were descendants of the land, and thus, they had a sacred duty to care for and protect it.
Fun Fact: Aina can also mean "Love of Greens," from the Japanese kanji combination 愛 (ai) "love, affection" and 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens." Yet another nod to Earth.
3. Ceres: The Bountiful Earth

In Roman mythology, Ceres is the Roman goddess of agriculture whose name has been traced way, way back to the Proto-Indo-European root *ker- “to grow.” The Romans borrowed Ceres from her Greek counterpart Demeter around the 5th century BCE (although the ancient Etruscans worshipped some earlier form of her). Highlighting her importance, Ceres also played the role of a maternal goddess, overseeing marriages, human fertility and the transition of little girls into womanhood. Her cult was strongest among the plebian classes (farmers & food cultivators) and her earthly home was Sicily where much of Rome’s grain was imported.
Fun Fact: Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, was the first asteroid to be discovered and is named after the Roman goddess.
4. Chloë: The Verdant Earth

Chloë is the Latin form of the Ancient Greek Χλοη (khlóe) meaning “small green shoot (of a plant),” related to Greek khloros “greenish-yellow” (in reference to the color of a new plant sprout), ultimately traced to the Proto-Indo-European root *ghel-, “to shine.” In Greek mythology, Chloë was the summer epithet of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture who guarded over green fields, a symbol of her powers over fertility. As such, Chloë was commonly used in the pastoral poetry of the Renaissance period. The name evokes images of lush greenery and vibrant life, symbolizing the Earth's ability to regenerate and flourish. Chloë reminds us of the Earth's resilience and capacity for renewal.
Fun Fact: Chloe is also the name of a genus of flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae, commonly known as "chloes," known for their delicate, bell-shaped flowers.
5. Clay: Sticky Earth

Clay evolved from Olde English clæg “clay, sticky earth,” itself traced to the prehistoric Indo-European root element *glei- “clay.” The fine-grained natural soil material was named for its consistency, the same source of “glue” and other words conveying a sense of “sticking together.” According to Isaiah 64:8, clay was the material used to create man: “But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.” Clay conveys a sense of unity and reminds us to stick together!
Fun fact: Clay was first recorded as an occupational surname in the 12th century, for someone who worked with clay.
6. Demeter: The Earth Mother

Another Greek name, Demeter, pays homage to the Greek goddess of agriculture, fertility and the harvest. This name honors the Earth as a nurturing mother figure and invokes the spirit of abundance and growth, a nod to the bountiful harvests of life. Demeter's name comes directly from Ancient Greek Δημητηρ and means, literally, “earth mother,” a compound of δε (de) “earth” and μητηρ (meter) “mother”. In her earliest incarnations, Demeter ruled over Greek’s staple food production (corn) and her myths were developed to explain the changing seasons, the health of the vegetation and the puzzling inconsistencies of the harvest.
Fun fact: Demeter's sorrow during her daughter Persephone's time in the underworld was said to cause winter, and her joy upon Persephone's return would bring spring.
7. Dunia: The Worldly Earth

Fun Fact: The Swahili proverb Hakuna dunia nyingine kama hii translates to "There is no other world like this one."
8. Eartha: Down to Earth

The name Eartha was coined in America by African-Americans and was borne by two famous ladies: businesswoman/humanitarian Eartha M.M. White (1876–1974) and singer/actress Eartha Kitt (1927-2008). The name basically feminizes the word Earth, which evolved from Olde English eorþe "earth," which itself has been traced back to the prehistoric Indo-European root er- "ground" As a name, Eartha is modern and grounded. It evokes a sense of our connection to the earth or nature. It celebrates the beauty and richness of the natural world in such a simple way.
Fun Fact: Eartha is also the name of the world's largest rotating and revolving globe, located in Yarmouth, Maine. This massive globe measures 41 feet in diameter, which allows visitors to view the Earth's geography in incredible detail, making it a popular tourist attraction.
9. Erin: The Abundant Earth
Erin comes from Éirinn which is the Irish word for, well, for “Ireland.” Éirinn has been traced to Old Irish Éiru meaning "fat land" or “land of abundance," underscoring the importance of land to the Irish people.

According to Irish folklore, the lush, green island received her name from an early Irish earth goddess named Ériu. She was one of the Tuatha dé Danann (“People of the Gods”), a magical race of the first Irish people, predating the Gaels, who now live underground as fairies. A contest was held to decide the island’s name among its three former goddess-queens: Fódla (song), Banba (poetry) and Éiru (abundance and prosperity). Having promised greater abundance than her sisters, it was the Éiru who won the namesake for this lush land forever.
Fun fact: Erin is the personification of Ireland and a source of pride for both Irish nationalists and romantic poets alike. Éirinn go brách.
10. Gaia: The Living Earth

Gaia is a Latinization of the Greek Γαια (Gaia), the Earth personified as a goddess, from γε (ge), literally, “earth.” In Ancient Greek mythology, Gaia was one of the first beings to emerge from the void of Chaos; she is generally regarded as the mother of all life and the personification of earth as a living, breathing entity, representing concepts of fertility, abundance and the interconnectedness of all life. Gaia was revered as the provider of sustenance and the source of all living things, and her importance was reflected in the myths and stories that depicted her as a powerful and benevolent force in the cosmos. This name embodies the concept of the Earth as a holistic and interconnected system.
Fun Fact: Gaia's use as a female name in America is first recorded in 1980, right at the rise of eco-consciousness and environmentalism. Coincidence? I think not.
11. George/Georgia: The Earth Worker

Farming was of paramount importance to ancient civilizations, as it was the foundation of their economies and societies. In ancient times, agriculture was not just a means of producing food, it was also deeply intertwined with religious, cultural and social practices. The importance of farming survives in the Ancient Greek name George (and Georgia) meaning "earthworker" or "farmer." These names honor the hardworking individuals who till the soil and cultivate the land. They embody the spirit of stewardship and responsibility towards the Earth.
Fun Fact: It was the transition from hunting & gathering to agriculture & farming that led to the development of settled communities, which in turn gave rise to complex societies.
12. Terra: The Grounded Earth

Terra Mater ("Earth Mother") is the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Gaia, and a vital deity in the Roman pantheon. As a name, Terra has come to symbolize the earth as a grounding, nurturing and life-giving force.
Revered as the mother of all life, Terra represented the fertile soil that sustained crops and supported all living beings. Her importance extended beyond agriculture; temples and altars were dedicated to her throughout the Roman period, and she was honored in various festivals and rituals aimed at ensuring the Earth's fertility and well-being.
Fun Fact: Ovid distinguishes between Terra (Mother Earth) as the locus (location) of growth and Ceres (goddess of agriculture) as its causa (cause) of growth.
And there you have it. So let's honor the Earth not just today, but every day, and strive to leave a legacy of love and stewardship for future generations.
xo, Julie Hackett, Founder & Chief Storyteller of Name Stories® and Earth-loving Tree Hugger
“The Earth is a fine place and worth fighting for.” — Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls
1 comment
Thanks for a great and interesting post!